Ocean Avengers

In 2018, the ocean protection action group, Save Our Fish, had an actor dress up like Poseidon — the Greek Sea God — and march on Berlaymont, the EU headquarters in an effort to convince EU ministers to take action on pledges to protect the ocean they’d already made. In 2019, he came back and he brought friends.

For the project, I designed the 5 Avengers and drew two layouts: one as they emerge from the Ocean’s depths, the second as they land atop Berlaymont, the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Both were used as a wrap-around takeover for the edition of Politico Magazine which landed on newsstands the same day the Avengers arrived in Brussels.


The Ocean Avengers Storm Berlaymont

Save Our Fish documented the Ocean Avengers peaceful assault on Berlaymont and put together this 30 second film and the great photos below. Photos © Dave Walsh Photography


Walk Off the Earth in Space