Walk off the Earth — in Space
A friend and former animation colleague, Ross Venokur, got in touch. He introduced me to the wonder that is Walk Off the Earth. I was one of maybe three people on the planet who HADN’T seen their cover of Somebody That I Used To Know (AKA 5 Peeps 1 Guitar) . As part of an ongoing animation project he was doing with the band, Ross wanted to put together comic in time for the band to take and sell with their merchandise during an upcoming world tour.
It was crazy last minute, but so much fun. Scroll down to find out about my first WOTE gig!
Royal Albert Hall?
At about 3am one morning after I’d handed over the two interior spreads for the book I’d been asked to do, I got a call from Ross. “Dude, we need help with the cover. Can you do anything?” Of course was the answer. But when Ross told me to change my fee to take into account the new work, I asked if there was anyway he could help me get tickets to see the band in April when they were coming to London and Royal Albert Hall.