The story behind the story of a seemingly senseless gorilla attack on a safari

Published by Image Comics in 2004, Lex Talionis: A Jungle Tale is a 48 page, full-colour, one shot comic.

I heard the story about an ill-fated safari from a character designer while working on an animated show for Adult Swim. The story fascinated me enough to turn it into a book. I first published it as a 2 issue mini-comic. But the then-editor of Image Comics, Jim Valentino, popped by my booth at a comic convention and liked what he saw.

Portrait of the Artist as a Very Young Man

Portrait of the Artist as a Very Young Man

This is me in the original Isotope Comics Lounge in San Francisco way back before it moved into its great Hayes Valley location on the day my first book hit the shelves back in 2004.


Sprout’s Bookclub


The Dream Machine